Simply add items to your basket and input the discount code below:-
Code: XMAS
Input this code on the basket page and see how much you save on your total!
This code also applies to many items on our site, so get shopping and enjoy massive savings on your basket total!
(please note: The Christmas discount does not apply to a small amount of clubs - But don't worry! This is because they already have a bigger discount applied)
*The Christmas discount code runs throughout the Christmas Period
Happy Christmas for everyone at Tony Valentine Golf Centre
The G430 MAX 10K drivers are designed to have a combined MOI of 10,000 g/cm2 or greater. A fixed backweight, our largest head profile, and a Carbonfly Wrap crown help G430 MAX 10K launch the ball higher with less spin for consistently longer and straighter results.
The G430 MAX 10K drivers are designed to have a combined MOI of 10,000 g/cm2 or greater. This is Ping's longest, straightest and most forgiving driver ever. A fixed backweight, our largest head profile, and a Carbonfly Wrap crown help G430 MAX 10K launch the ball higher with less spin for consistently longer and straighter results.
The Paradym driver model provides a refined shape with high MOI and adjustable perimeter weighting. Engineered for players of all skill levels, this club promotes high launch and low spin characteristics along with a neutral ball flight. It’s our best combination of distance, forgiveness, and adjustability.
The DARKSPEED MAX Driver is the ultimate fairway finder. Two weight positions deliver extreme forgiveness and accuracy for players seeking higher launch and straighter ball flights.
The RADSPEED Driver features a traditional (460cc) shape and 28 grams of forward-biased RADIAL WEIGHTING to deliver our lowest spinning driver with radical ball speed. A fixed 8g back weight provides added stability to maximize distance on off-center hits while adjustable front and back weights allow you to fine-tune trajectory and spin.
With Stealth™, we pushed past the limits of titanium and welcomed golfers around the world to the Carbonwood™ Age. So, how far are we willing to take it? Way past far and into FARGIVENESS. Introducing the all-new Stealth 2 Plus, combining the elements of speed and forgiveness to unlock FARGIVENESS.
- Includes Mizuno Adjustment Wrench (same as TaylorMade and works fine - We have run out of TaylorMade wrenches because they do not send them out with their clubs anymore)
With Stealth™, we pushed past the limits of titanium and welcomed golfers around the world to the Carbonwood Age. So, how far are we willing to take it? Way past far and into FARGIVENESS. Introducing the all-new Stealth 2 HD, combining the elements of speed and forgiveness to unlock FARGIVENESS.
*Fargiveness claim based on distance and increased MOI vs. Stealth drivers. Total volume of carbon includes carbon composite materials within the ring.
- Includes Mizuno Adjustment Wrench (same as TaylorMade and works fine - We have run out of TaylorMade wrenches because they do not send them out with their clubs anymore)
Ai Smoke MAX features a forgiving shape and adjustable perimeter weighting to deliver up to 19 yards of shot shape correction. Please Note: Voucher codes are not applicable to this club.
Ai Smoke MAX Fast is designed for players looking for lightweight, easy-to-swing performance. Please Note: Voucher codes are not applicable to this club.
Our goal with the Qi10 family is to make each driver as forgiving as possible, using advanced multi-material constructions to increase inertia. Qi10 is engineered for a balanced blend of distance and forgiveness. Please Note: Voucher codes are not applicable to this club.