Simply add items to your basket and input the discount code below:-
Code: XMAS
Input this code on the basket page and see how much you save on your total!
This code also applies to many items on our site, so get shopping and enjoy massive savings on your basket total!
(please note: The Christmas discount does not apply to a small amount of clubs - But don't worry! This is because they already have a bigger discount applied)
*The Christmas discount code runs throughout the Christmas Period
Happy Christmas for everyone at Tony Valentine Golf Centre
The Paradym driver model provides a refined shape with high MOI and adjustable perimeter weighting. Engineered for players of all skill levels, this club promotes high launch and low spin characteristics along with a neutral ball flight. It’s our best combination of distance, forgiveness, and adjustability.
2020 Model. Callaway X Hot fairway woods at a great price! Ideal for golfers who want a quality fairway wood without paying expensive current line prices. *NO HEADCOVER*
2020 model Callaway X Hot irons, fitted with graphite shafts. Ideal for a golfer who wants a great set of irons from a top brand without breaking the bank!
The women's AIR-X fairways feature lightweight designs, offset, heel weighting and an ultra low profile for our easiest to swing, straightest, and highest launching fairways yet.
The women's AIR-X hybrids are lightweight, easy to swing and feature a heel weighted and offset design to promote straighter and more accurate ball flights.
The women's AIR-X irons will take your iron game to new heights. A lightweight design with offset and slightly weaker lofts promote easy launch, maximum carry distance, and more greens in regulation.
The women's DARKSPEED irons allow you to unlock your distance potential with an all new hollow construction that creates our longest and most robust iron design yet.
The women’s Cobra FLY-XL complete set includes a full bag of lightweight and forgiving clubs that deliver easy launch and distance for the beginner or aspiring golfer.
The latest version of the Ping ladies club range, the G Le 2. Perfectly set up for a lady and specifically designed the characteristics of a lady golfer in mind. High launching and forgiving clubs.
Latest model of ladies club from Ping, the G Le 2. Fairway woods specifically designed for ladies, high MOI and extremely forgiving increasing the distance with a shallower face.